Top 5 Google Adsense Earning Tricks 2016 And High CPC Tips
Today i'm going to share the top 2017's tricks for Adsense earning and the amazing hidden|unknown tips on how to raise your cost per click. Adsense is one of the leading CPC advertisement network which helps bloggers to benefit from it by earning money from their website and advertisers to get advertised. Due to this fact, there are specialized bloggers and expert who have knowledge and ability of making some software and various hacks aiming to trick Google AdSense and get the most out of it. Yeah! They are there. Latest Adsense ticks to get you a bunch of money are going to be illustrated below with the right way on how to monetize your ads.These proved tweaks are safe and works well on increasing your CPC and earnings
We all know that, Some bloggers need to see a stream of money flowing toward them without applying and investing enough efforts on reading various tricks and preparing good contents in the blogs they run. It's like they don't know that doing all those is never going help to get the handsome amount in their finalized earnings. Well, Lets see the key to the room of getting high Cost per clicks and good income from Google Adsense.
High Adsense earning depends to many factors, some of them are Traffic driven to your site, Placement of your Adsense ads, number of ads displayed per one blogger page and Quality of the blog's content determines Cost Per Click hence earnings. The higher the quality the higher the CPC. This is so just because the well written post have higher chance of attracting relevant ads hence targeted ads will be displayed to your client/visitor. Okay, Lets see these five tricks which gonna help to boost your 2017 Adsense earnings. Here we go..
Related: Why is my Adsense CPC so low? How to increase Google Adsense CPC 2017
Related: Why is my Adsense CPC so low? How to increase Google Adsense CPC 2017
1. Quality of the content
Good written post are the key factor that determine blog preference in search engines. Similarly, Targeted high CPC Ads gets displayed in your page if and only if the content in your blog post have qualifications of being a good post. And the factor which determine the post's quality is use of right keywords in the right manner. Put in mind that,Writing blog post needs some skills, The more you try to learn different tactics is the more good writer and a search engine friendly content creator you become. The issue of ranking on the top of your competitor in never an easy task if you will be ignorant to the use of right keywords and lazy at researching difficulty on ranking keywords.
Example, On my Site here. I made a simple research on writing the post about Some Adsense trick which works by showing the hidden Adsense in the YouTube video or in an image by the use of various code. This can raise your page Cost per click, RPM and revenue up to 300', its quite amazing by the way. I got Ranked on top of Google results for the search of specific keywords like "Transparent Adense over video play button" which are the important keywords of the trick. My post became on top of Google results just because of the simple keyword research i made before converting the trick into a blog post. There is no magic in ranking on the top of Google results guys! What i believe is that, The much time you invest in your blogging carrier by cooking and preparing high quality content is the more you will drive organic visitors, earn and enjoy working at your home doing online business.
Example, On my Site here. I made a simple research on writing the post about Some Adsense trick which works by showing the hidden Adsense in the YouTube video or in an image by the use of various code. This can raise your page Cost per click, RPM and revenue up to 300', its quite amazing by the way. I got Ranked on top of Google results for the search of specific keywords like "Transparent Adense over video play button" which are the important keywords of the trick. My post became on top of Google results just because of the simple keyword research i made before converting the trick into a blog post. There is no magic in ranking on the top of Google results guys! What i believe is that, The much time you invest in your blogging carrier by cooking and preparing high quality content is the more you will drive organic visitors, earn and enjoy working at your home doing online business.
2. Proper Adsense placement
Have you heard about Adsence positioning tips in your website? Well, Google Adsense Policies allows you to place Two or Three ads per page. Hope we all know that, I made a simple research on my test website a couple of month ago and noticed something very strange and from there is where i started to understand why Adsense ask us to put three ad unit per page. I made a Micro niche blog in which i tried to follow secret of good post writing,tips and hidden tricks to drive thousand of visitors and applied for Adsense, it took just two days to get my account fully activated. On the first month i started using Ads on my blog by displaying five ad-unit per page, the cost per click was around 0.3.
In the next month i changed the ad placement. I reduced them to Three ads per page, there is where i noticed the marked increase in revenue and the CPC tripled to 0.9 for that month. I didn't stop there, i started writing very long post of about 2000 words and placed 5 ad units in those long content. i placed Adsense below the post tittle and another at the end of the post, one ads unit was in the sidebar and two Ads in the middle of post content. That kind of arrangement is favorable to those who used to manage writing long post content in their website. But The most preferable way of Google advertisement placement is the use of Three ad unit or two ads if you possible.
The amount that advertisers pay the publisher for one click on the site. The cost paid for one click depends from one country to another. USA, UK and Canada have high cost per click compared to Tanzania or India. We know that AdSense earning comes from click on the ads that are seen on your site to the visitor,That's right. So, the high quality of written content welcomes high paying ads hence determines the cost you gonna be paid when a visitor clicks the Ads.In general, CPC depends to many factors. New bloggers usually used to experience lower cost of about 0.02 to 0.2 of a dollar while other gets up to 150 United States Dollar from a single click. That's so amazing Eeh? But Targeting high paying keyword in your site is the way to grab that CPC. That,s the reason why i told you the quality of content you write in your blog real matters.
4. Try something new and Latest tricks in your site.
As i said earlier, Top Adsense earners are those who never stick and stop trying something new in their market of blogging. Tricks are developed day after day and Kimjoh Tech Tricks can't stop updating you by not giving you valuable and hidden tricks which makes thousands of Millionaires every year from blogs they are running with just simple tricks.
The 2016 trick of hiding Adsense in Video play button on youtube vid to increase clicks is one among those hacks which can give you the money that you had never thought you could get. I know you can't believe it easily until you prove and see it happening to you as i did. One more thing i wanna tip you about the trick is that, its not proved if the trick is not against Adsense terms and conditions, so its better to try it with a new account for the safety of your official ads account from ban.
The 2016 trick of hiding Adsense in Video play button on youtube vid to increase clicks is one among those hacks which can give you the money that you had never thought you could get. I know you can't believe it easily until you prove and see it happening to you as i did. One more thing i wanna tip you about the trick is that, its not proved if the trick is not against Adsense terms and conditions, so its better to try it with a new account for the safety of your official ads account from ban.
NOTE! Its always good to know and be aware of the safety level of the trick or hack you try to use in the blog running Adsense. Some tricks are against Adsense TOS, so you might be endangering your Adsense account and blog to get banned when applying such hacks in a blog.So, much research and precautions should be taken
5. Drive Traffic to your website
Traffic is the main key of getting success from any advertisement program. The number of visitors in your website can help to determine how much you can possibly earn with google Adsense.Less number of page views results to lower chance of getting clicks hence low earning. I know this situation of getting low blog's traffic in this competitive field of blogging faces many newbies, but they don't have to mind. Just remind them one thing, effort is the key to success.Get it! OK, fine. Website which receive thousands of daily visitors have the greatest chance of hitting the target by getting their pockets full of Dollars. So, try your best to rank higher in Search engines and use social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Disque and other networks to share your blog posts.
Adsense tips and tricks are being developed every day in this world of internet marketing. Once you get to know and learn something new, it's better to keep a third eye on it. Try to put and apply it in your blogging carrier. By doing so, i believe you will be one among those who thanks Adsense and blogging for saving and wide opening their future by reaching and fulfilling their dreams through the effort and skills they invest.
Higher Cost Per Click Adsense tends to appear in your blog due to the Keywords you are using in ranking your blog. Try to use different keyword researching tools to get the right ones for your niche and start feeding them with fresh and quality contents. Placing three or two ads unit will be the best choice to help you focusing on high monthly revenue. Never stop on trying something new, you know why? it's simply because top Adsense earners used to believe and stand behind that saying, Yeah! i also believe in it. If you have anything contradicting you Just feel free to ask and share through comments.
I wish i could give you more of what i know about top tricks and tips for Adsense earning in 2017 and all about Cost per click but, let me have a short break. See you in the next article.
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